Men’s Health February: Knowing is Growing
Guess what? We bet you think about it as often as the guy next to you. And yet, for some reason it seems as though there’s neither the right time nor place for two decent blokes to initiate a serious and sensible dialogue about it.
Hence we decided to take the first step here with our 69 sex (in the broadest sense of the term) tips on p68. This is by no means an exhaustive list but let this be the start of many to follow nonetheless. On p56, for example, we lay down six new rules on how you can evaluate your sex appeal. Why do you need to know them? Well, it’s because they are especially useful and important, which would confer you that competitive edge. More tricks can be found on p34, not to mention advice from our Girl Next Door contributor Vivian Chong on p32.
Which brings us to a thought-provoking piece about coincidence on p96. Are the people in your lives—friends, companions and women—truly there by chance? Or have we pulled them into our web through networks and factors we’re not privy to? As much as we like to think that we are the masters of our own destiny, the following quote offers some food for thought: “By creating meaning out of coincidence, we build a sense of personal order and control in our lives.” We suggest you approach this with your skepticism leashed and an open mind.
Enjoy the issue!
John Ng, Editor, Men’s Health Malaysia
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